We are highly sensitive, powerful, capable and intuitive Beings. Gifted the most complex neurological system, our bodies are incredibly intelligent machines designed to operate at the highest capacity. We have access to infinite potential and resources, linked to our Soul’s desires and purpose, and we can gather these inner teachings by tuning in to our bodies – a gatekeeper, of sorts, to the sacred guidance of our inner Being. But our bodies have become so toxic that we’ve aborted their brilliance and lack the ability to tune in to their wisdom. We’ve become so disconnected that our nervous system is no longer working optimally. We’re so anxious that we can’t feel the subtle realms of existence and we don’t feel safe in our bodies. We’ve given away our power and let go of the grace of stillness.
We were lured away from Mother Earth and landed in full trust and reliance on a financially driven medical model that uses chemicals to provide us with swift solutions to remedy our self-induced symptoms that blanket our creativity, critical thinking, self-healing potential and personal power. Removed from the fundamental necessities of life we eat shitty food, drink chlorinated water, spend too much time indoors, feed our brains too much information, don’t get enough sleep, spend too much time alone and don’t move our bodies. And then because we’re fat, exhausted, in pain, distracted, anxious and unhappy we seek that quick-fix to mask the symptoms of a deeper underlying problem – we’re too far away from fundamental humans needs of fresh air, bare feet in the soil, sunshine, clean water, clean food, exercise, companionship (hugs included), and good rest.
This disconnection is eradicating our ability to make sound decisions based on our own innate and intuitive wisdom. We’ve forgotten (or perhaps through a long history of suppression were never even made aware) that we have profound insight and we don’t need to rely on anything external to help us gather information and make decisions.
“When the mind is calm, still and stable and the body is balanced, healthy and vibrant, we can tune into our own frequency to access information beyond this three-dimensional and linear reality we perceive”
We all have the ability to lean into our own multidimensional intelligence without seeking validation. But we’ve been convinced that our best interests are at the forefront of a few select humans who hold the power to make decisions about our well-being and the what to their how is fed through main stream media. We no longer trust our own inner guidance.
We’ve been feeding the cyclical infusion of toxicity and have worn down the thread that links us back into our essence, personal power and Truth. And now, more than ever, we need to come back home to ourselves so we can see things for what they really are and make decisions based on innate understanding and wisdom buried beneath the conditioning, toxicity and mental distraction.
Intuition doesn’t always make sense. And it can be difficult to stand up for what you innately believe to be true. At times it means walking away from loved ones, or watching them walk away from you, going against the grain, setting boundaries and saying no. It can hurt, it can cause you to question your integrity and whether your truth is, in fact, the right thing, but your body holds the wisdom that you seek and the answers you’re fighting for.
Intuition, for me, is an unshakable internal belief, even when there’s no evidence to prove or dispute that belief. It’s a knowing, often inexplicable, and it’s gifted me many blessings in my life. I am so plugged into this personal wisdom that when I receive these downloads of intuitive information I unapologetically trust it. But when my mind is busy and distracted and I let the conditions of my mental disturbance take over, I become unstuck. If I lack clarity or certainty about ideas, beliefs or decisions I seek further guidance by asking my body - the gatekeeper to Truth.
How do you listen to your body?
How do you know the whispers that are speaking to you come from a place of truth, and not fear?
How can you start to tune in this vortex of infinite potential and knowledge?
My practice:
I sit still and close my eyes
I take a few deep breaths
I block out all external noise
I notice the sensations swirling inside my body
I feel my sit bones connected to my seat
And when I feel present and calm I say, “Please show my what a ‘no’ feels like in my body right now”
And then I pay attention to what my body does (usually it’s a deep internal contraction, low in my pelvis. I feel my pelvic floor and cervix contract and a gentle pull of my heart down as energy sweeps down towards the earth)
Then I say, “Please show my what a ‘yes’ feels like in my body right now”
And I pay attention to what my body does (usually a wave of soft energy sweeps up, my heart lifts up and I feel light across my chest and throat. Everything feels open)
When I am clear of what ‘yes’ and ‘no’ feel like in my body, I ask whatever burning question I have and I tune in to the wisdom of my Soul as it speaks to me through my body. Contract or open … it holds the key to the wisdom I seek. And so do you.
Intuition is available to everyone. To tap into this infinite knowledge it begins with creating space, purifying your body and mind, doing less, listening more. It’s about cultivating self-love and trust, about building your personal power and connecting into your Self more deeply and fully. It’s about healing your wounds, letting emotion move through you, and doing the hard stuff. But on the other side is freedom and power. Cultivated within, and not given (or taken away) from somewhere outside of you.
This inner awakening is not about creating something new within. It’s about peeling back the layers that are hiding the parts of you that are already there, but have remained dormant or forgotten, waiting for you to come home.
“Intuition is an unshakable internal belief, even when there’s no evidence”