Beyond the confines of the mind there is an expansive realm of consciousness that cannot be understood from the mind itself. Rebirthing Breathwork takes you on a deep dive beyond the limitations of the conscious mind into the subconscious; beyond thought, conditions and limitations.

Using the breath as medicine for healing, you can see clearly into your beliefs, unravel personal truths, connect with a feeling of purity and oneness, and integrate unprocessed memories, stories, beliefs and traumas.

Breathwork gently but powerfully alchemises who you have been for who you are meant to be, recalibrating the breathing mechanism, altering biochemistry, shifting the nervous system and reawakening the state of safety and peace in the body.

Through the medicine of breathing, you will transform.

Created by Leonard Orr, Rebirthing Breathwork is a life changing 10 session healing journey using intentional, cyclical nose breathing to activate the parasympathetic nervous system. Bypassing the pause at the top and bottom of the breath, you activate the ‘rest + digest’ state of the nervous system. Where there is safety and ease, there is healing.

Like in Emotional Freedom sessions unprocessed, unintegrated emotions and memories can surface for deep healing.

Your breath is a divine key that unlocks the door to Self mastery and life fulfilment

An embodiment of love, forgiveness, compassion and healing transforms old programming into something new. Unravel and alchemise with a natural and rhythmical breath to feel the body and transcend the limitations of the mind.

Take radical self responsibility for empowered self healing.

Watch this video on Rebirthing Breathwork

A minimum of 10 Rebirthing Breathwork sessions is recommended by founder, Leonard Orr, to unlock the breathing mechanism which encourages the physical, energetic, emotional and mental body to return to a state of ease, expansion and freedom.


learn more about what you can experience through a rebirthing experience HERE Or watch this video