Rebirthing Breathwork is a safe, accessible and potent healing modality that uses conscious connected breathing though the nose to awaken the emotional, energetic and spiritual planes of the body. The breath guides you into a state of deep relaxation and expanded consciousness, supporting a recalibration of the nervous system, breathing mechanism and blood chemistry.

Through guided breathwork experiences, you can dive beyond the veil of the conscious mind and dance within the depths of the subconscious; beyond thought, conditions and limitations.

Using the medicine of the breath you may see clearly into core beliefs, unravel deep personal truths, integrate unprocessed memories, stories, beliefs and traumas, and connect with a feeling of purity and oneness. Your entire Being comes alive.

In this 3 hour workshop we create a safe container of expansion, set soul guided intentions, and breathe into the parts of ourselves that have remained untouched and unseen.

To shed unwanted layers, to free yourself of anything that holds you back from your Truth, and let love in.


What you can expect:

  • Guided Meditation

  • Sound Bath

  • Intention setting

  • Journaling

  • 1 hour Rebirthing Breathwork experience

  • Sharing circle

What to bring:

  • Journal and pen

  • Light blanket

  • Pillow

  • Yoga mat + bolster (available in studio if you don’t have one)

  • Crystals or other sacred items you work with



  • Understand and heal the emotional link to physical symptoms in the body

  • Experience relief from physical pain

  • Learn how to move tension and energy on your own to remember your own self healing potential

  • Explore, understand and rewire negative core beliefs to life affirming and supporting beliefs

  • Unravel and alchemise stuck energy in the body and nervous system

  • Integrate traumatic experiences and life moments that have remained unprocessed and suppressed in the body

  • Recalibrate the breathing mechanism so you can breathe life-giving energy, freely

  • Unlearn old patterns and behaviours to freely express yourself as you Truly are

  • Discover who you are and be empowered to live from your Truth

  • Cultivate a loving and understanding relationship with Self

  • Greater self love and presence in all areas of your life

  • Enhance your intuition and balance your energy body

  • Reclaim your life and your desires from a place of embodied wisdom

  • Gain clarity about patterns in your life that no longer serve you, including toxic behaviours and relationshipsHeal your relationship with your Self and others

  • Deeper connection with your creative potential

  • Discover what you’re here to do and step into your life purpose

  • Embody love, compassion, forgiveness and oneness

Learn more about Rebirthing Breathwork here or download my brochure here