Dance is an ancient tradition and primal practice used by animals and humans for storytelling, initiation and rituals, ceremony, celebration, mourning, cultivation of community, healing and creativity.

Dancing shifts any state or feeling tone into one of great expansion, freedom and joy. The vibration created in the body helps to shake up, unlock and shift stagnate energy. But like many ancient practices, over time, we lost the remembrance of our birth right to move without reservation and come together in dance.

Ecstatic Dance is conscious movement where you lend your body to the rhythm of the music. The freedom of the movement gets you out of your mind and into your body to connect with the deeper parts of you in a high-vibing, deeply explorative and fun way. Self-expression through freedom of movement alchemises anything within that no longer serves you – physically, energetically, and emotionally - where you can access deep meditative states and land in a state of ecstasy.

Next event: Date TBA


What to expect:

  • Meditation and breathwork to drop out of your mind

  • Yoga flow to drop into your body

  • Connection practices to drop in to each other

  • And ecstatic dance to drop into your SELF


Tanya Savva + Vivienne Dias fuse their magic to take you on a journey through self-explorative practices with intentional music, yoga and ecstatic dance. These high vibe, drug and alcohol free events offer a safe and fun space to embody self-fulfilling elation where inhibition is left at the door, deep connection weaves its way into your body, and freedom of heart, mind and body take over.

Are you ready to get lost in ecstatic jubilation?

Meet Tanya and Vivienne

Tanya Savva + Vivienne Dias are a dynamic duo and leaders in the way of event facilitation that changes you. They are South West Sydney yoga teachers and transformational retreat facilitators who have joined forces to create experiences that lift you up, unravel your senses, unpack your shadow, and awaken you to the ecstatic jubilation that lives within an untainted heart. Join them to connect and explore what's possible, beyond the unimagined within.