I am not separate from the leaves of the tree, a blade of grass, or the dew drops on the abandoned spider web in the morning. 

I am all of these things.

And none of these things. 

And yet, I am so much more.

An expression of the grace of God, weaved into skin and bone, fat and hair, flesh and blood, tall and lean, with big brown eyes to see the world- 

Made of earth 🌏 fire 🔥 air 🌬 water 💧 and ether ... where everything becomes nothing and nothing becomes everything.

I am the mother that nurtures, the child that explores, the father that protects, the woman that flows and the man that is all that is. 

I am all of these things. 

And none of these things.

And yet, I am so much more.

I am not my name.

The way I walk.

The things I say.

The knowledge I recall.

The wisdom I share. 

The family I come from.

The things I do.

The way I earn money.

The roles I play.

The way I speak.

The joys I endure.

Not that of the pain I have suffered. 


I am not so small as to fit into a label that would quash my greatness and bury me unworthy of the deep reverence I deserve.

I am more than you could ever call me.

Believe of me. 

Hope of me. 

There are no words to describe me that could ever capture the raging rivers of love that flow through me and extend from the heart of the earth, through me, apart of me, and to the beyond of tomorrow’s. 

There are no titles that could ever hold the depth of who and what I Am in their cup. I would explode over the edges and drip to the floor for forever before you could bottle me up; so contained.

I’m too bold and fierce for confined spaces. 

Don’t dare attempt to use a language so linear it often misses the essence of what it’s truly trying to capture.  

I am made of the very things that induce awe and invite rapture, rendering you speechless.

I am all of these things. 

And none of these things.

And yet, still, I am so much more.

Tanya Savva