I planned a retreat that didn’t fill. So instead, I opened it open to anyone that wanted to come for a weekend getaway, and I would participate rather than facilitate.
9 perfect strangers joined me for a beautiful weekend of rest, community and healing.
So much was unpacked during that experience, held in loving strength by these beautiful people.
I held a Rebirthing Breathwork experience for everyone and bore witness to one of the most profound moments of my life. I don’t know that I will ever see anything like it again. Everyone sat eye to eye, heart to heart, with a partner and breathed conscious connected breaths for an hour.
Words are too linear to fully express what now lives in the fabric of my Being. Or perhaps my ability to articulate it is compromised. Either way, I wrote something about it. And I want you to know that people are fucking powerful. They capable of holding really big and hard things. And when we’re met in love, and we feel safe and seen to express ourselves in our truth. anything is possible.
And breathwork - my god. The most powerful medicine of all.
If you’re sick. Breathe.
If you’re scared. Breathe.
If you’re anxious. Breathe.
If you’re full of rage. Breathe.
If you feel unloved. Breathe.
If you feel unworthy. Breathe.
If you’ve been abused. Breathe.
If you’re in pain. Breathe.
If you’re in love. Breathe.
If you’re joyful. Breathe.
If you’re human - Breathe.
I love this work so much and I’m so grateful for the way people are showing up to heal their wounds, their suffering. It matters.
An unspoken agreement was lain down between them; a conscious intention to be fully in the experience. The weren’t there to fuck around. Afraid, perhaps. Willing, most definitely. It was no mistake they landed there together - knees, hearts, eyes opposed.
3 … 2 … 1 … breathe.
Let it go.
Let it go.
Let it go.
Let it go.
Let it go.
They were there for themselves, for their own divine grace and healing. But more than that, they committed to be there for each other. And for each other, they were.
Two strangers, two chairs.
One space.
One breath.
One heart.
Intensity built from the moment they began and the longer they committed the more thunderous the energy became.
Until she suffocated under a constriction in her throat that demanded she slap her hand around it and hold it in a vice-like grip. Gurgling and growling, she resisted the urge to share her Warrior’s Cry. For all the times she didn’t feel safe to speak. Unwilling to be silenced anymore a fury erupted from the depths of her Soul and rage spewed her mouth. Her lips stretched wide, her tongue exposed as she spat her pain onto his lap.
He stayed with her.
He did not leave her stranded.
He held her, his eyes locked to hers, his heart open to receive her suffering, unafraid of her ruthless display of rage unlocked. He held her in safety, in loving acceptance, that her rage was welcome and he could hold it for her. She frothed and purged all her small plays and pulled out the darkness that lingered in her throat until the shadow was torn away.
She will not be silent anymore.
Two strangers, two chairs.
One space.
One breath.
One love.
She returned to her body, held in a way she has never experienced before. And tears rained down their cheeks.
A mirror, for their pain. A mirror for their love.
Let it go.
Let it go.
He gripped his chest, clutching his broken heart, the wound too bloodied to hold. In her new found strength she loved him, perfectly. Until he remembered his own capacity to love himself.
Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, she remembered her Power, and he returned to his Love.
“The Divine Feminine is fierce, but when I’m in my healthy Divine Masculine, I can hold all of it”