On the 21st October I was honoured to join over 100 guests at Alkalizer to celebrate the launch of The Adventures of Kenzie-Moo. 40 minutes before the event started I was at the local shopping centre trying on dresses deciding what to wear. I frantically wrapped a gift for my publisher, wrote cards of thanks, and made a swift exit to beat my guests to the venue.
When I arrived to see the beautiful outdoor set up with hessian fabric tablecloths, native flowers, and table decorations with illustrations from my book, I stood out the front for a moment to soak up the atmosphere. Shefali and the Alkalizer team sure know how to put on a spread. An earthy grazing table of cheese and crackers, homemade treats and hot tea with gorgeous cupcakes made by my cousin from Eaton Cakes and Catering, there was plenty to feast the eyes and satisfy the bellies.
I had the pleasure of welcoming familiar faces, faces from afar, and some new and unfamiliar people that came to celebrate the birth of The Adventures of Kenzie-Moo. It was a whirlwind event full of hugs that beckoned a full body embrace, photos and swift conversations as I was pulled from one person to the next. Some people had me for hello and then I didn’t see them again, unable to move beyond the front table where gifted flowers sat on top of piles of books, offering a beautiful backdrop for photo opportunities. There were tears, laughter, hugs and lots of wonderful conversation between strangers, filling my heart with gratitude for this wonderful community that supports us.
Family and friends travelled from Victoria, South Australia, North and South NSW Coast and New Zealand to be there for us. Words don’t do justice for the thanks I have for your effort and love in sharing that special moment with us. It was surreal to stand beside Joanne Fedler and listen to her speak in celebration of my story and me as an author. It is such a privilege to call her a friend, mentor and publisher and I feel honoured to have been her guiding light to create Little Wings Books, a children’s book imprint for Joanne Fedler Media.
Tanya Savva, Author and Joanne Fedler, Publisher of The Adventures of Kenzie-Moo
“We celebrate Tanya’s new identity as a debut author. Tanya is lots of things. There are lots of things you can call her. But today, you can call her an author”
In these moments captured by Amber Joy Photography I see my tribe. I see a community that raises us up. I see a network of incredible Souls that honour and respect the journey we are on. I see family in friends and I see pride on the faces of those that love us most. Amber has truly captured the essence of what The Adventures of Kenzie-Moo is all about - diversity, support, inclusion, love and J O Y.
Shefali and Alkalizer, thank you for giving me a home away from home to write, create, retreat and grow. To my cousin, Geoff, who acted as a sounding board and creative director throughout the creation of the book, you’re my man, thank you. To mum and dad for giving me the freedom to follow my dreams, this book is dedicated to you for all you do for us; thank you. To Joanne and Little Wings Books and Karen McDermott, thank you for trusting in this dream and making it come true. To Emma Stuart who made my vision come alive with her incredible artwork, I am in love with these illustrations. And everyone that came to the launch and has bought my book, shared it with your children, schools, preschools, libraries and communities, you are giving me great reason for moments of overwhelming excitement and happiness and I am forever indebted to you for your support and love.
And to Kenz, my little legend, who braved the cold with a rotten cold, demanded to hold my hand as I spoke and laughed at me when I cried during my speech. I know it was hard for you to be there, but I’m proud of you for pushing through. You rocked it my girl.
For those of you who have and continue to buy and share the story, I am so grateful. Every single book comes with a little piece of my heart.
With love and light,
Tanya xx