Relaxing Snakes:

Relaxing snakes is an activity that you can use when you’re feeling a bit down or a bit sad. Relaxing snakes requires two people. The aim of relaxing snakes is for one person to lay down with their hands on their heart, while the other person does gentle tickles on them with their fingertips while making gentle little hissing sounds like a snake. Relaxing snakes can help you when you’re feeling sad, worried, scared, nervous or stressed. Having relaxing snakes can help you feel calm, grounded and very happy.

Surfing Snakes:

Surfing snakes can be used when you’re playing in water in a swimming pool or at the beach. This activity requires two people. The aim of surfing snakes is for one person to drag the other person through the water. SS1 floats in the water and holds out their hands waiting for SS2 to hold them. SS2 holds SS1’s hands and drags them through the water. SS2 also makes a hissing sound like a snake. It’s like they are surfing on a surf board. Surfing snakes can help you to feel happy and safe in water.

Busy doing snakes:

When I walk with my mum I hold her right elbow with my left hand. I like when my mum tickles my fingers with her fingers and makes a hissing sounds like a snake. When we walk I ask mum, “Are your hands busy?”. If her hands are free she says “Busy doing snakes”. This is a phrase she uses to let me know her hands aren’t busy and she can give me a little snake tickle.

Push up snakes:

Push up snakes is an activity that you can use to keep your body strong and fit. It requires two people. One person lays down and reaches out their hand to hold the other person’s hand. The other person pushes against them and the aim of this game is for the person who is laying down to stretch their arm out fully. While the other person is resisting the push they make a hissing sound like a snake. If they are stronger than the person laying down they might squeal, “Come on you weakling!”. They can also let air out like a valve releasing when they first begin the hissing sound.

Preparation snakes:

Preparation snake is a game that you can use to keep your children entertained and occupied if they are feeling a bit bored. It requires two people. One person sits or lays down and sticks their leg out into the air and says “Preparation snake?”. The other person grabs hold of their ankle or lower leg and squeezes it really really tight. The tighter the better! Then they both wait in silence. The person who’s leg is being held might feel excited waiting in preparation for a big hissing sound and a tickle on the foot. When the person holding the leg is ready, the quickly and unexpectedly tickle the foot and make a loud hissing sound.

Posture snakes:

This activity can be used to stand or sit up nice and tall. It requires two people. The aim of this game is for one person to sit or stand up nice and tall while the other person gives little tickles up their back and makes a hissing sound like a snake. This shows the person who is sitting or standing that they have done good work with their posture. It is a reward for having good posture. It can be given during activities like pilates.

Surprise ear snakes:

This activity is similar to a preparation snake, except it’s used to tickle the ear instead of the foot. It requires two people. One person leans one of their ears towards the snake-giver and waits patiently for the snake giver to tickle them on the ear. Then they lean the other ear towards the snake-giver and wait for another surprise ear snake. The other person quietly puts their finger close to the ear and unexpectedly tickles the ear and makes a loud hissing sound like a snake. This can help you to hear properly if your ears are blocked or you have a hearing impairment. Receiving an ear snake can help you feel happy and joyful.

Cosy / relaxing snakes:

This is an activity that you can use to keep yourself nice and warm if you have been cold and shivery. It requires two people. The aim of cosy/relaxing snakes is for one person to lay down on their bed with their blankets over them. The other person gives little tickles on their body and makes a hissing sound like a snake. It’s like someone is sitting by a cosy fire at night.

Hobart snakes:

This is an activity or game that you can use to make yourself feel like you belong in Hobart. It requires two people. One person stays sitting down and leans their face towards the snake giver. The snake giver tickles that person’s forehead with four fingers by tapping their fingers quickly and making a hissing sound like a snake. This is a good activity to help you feel safe whilst in Hobart if you’re on holiday there. You don’t have to be in Hobart to receive or give a Hobart snake.

Balancing preparation snake:

This is a great activity that you can use to keep your child or children stabilised and help them with balancing movements. It requires two people. One person stands on one leg and tries to keep their balance. The other person grabs hold of that leg and squeezes it really tight. Then they both wait patiently and quietly. When the person who is holding the leg is ready they quickly and unexpectedly tickle the foot and make a loud hissing sound like a snake.

Rocket snakes:
This is a fun activity that you can use to entertain your children if they feel like they have nothing to do. It requires two people. One person lays down on any flat surface and sticks both of their legs into the air (with their hips at 90 degrees flexion). Then the other person stands at the legs in the air, then rest their belly on the feet. They hold hands and then the rocket person counts down from 10 to 1. They both say ‘rocket snake’ and the person laying down shoots the rocket person up into the sky so their feet fly off the ground. The rocket person floats in the air on the feet and the person laying down who makes hissing sounds like a snake. They slowly and smoothly come back down to land on the earth with a small thump. It’s like someone is going into outer space in a real rocket ship.

Squeezy snakes:
This is an amazing activity to help your child who has a sensory processing disorder. It can be used to apply body compression and help them with sensory integration and sensory modulation. It can also help with calming and feeling grounded and can be used during OT sessions. This game requires two people. Both people stand up and hold each other like they are giving each other a hug. The snake-receiver puts their head to the side and leans it against the snaker-giver’s chest. The snaker-giver takes deep breaths and then lets out air as they make a long hissing sound like a snake. The first part of the hissing sound is straight, then the last part of the hissing sound is wobbly. At the very end of the wobbly snake sounds the snake-giver squeezes the receiver like a big bear hug to represent the end of the snake.

Don’t move a muscle snakes:

Don’t move a muscle is a fun game you can play with your children to keep them happy, cheerful and entertained if they are bored. It requires at least two people. One person, who is the snake receiver, lays down on a sofa or bed and puts their legs out straight and they are not allowed to move. The snake giver says to the snake receiver, “Don’t move a muscle”, and then they wait quietly and patiently. Then, without warning, suddenly and unexpectedly the snake giver tickles the snake receiver and makes a loud hissing sound like a snake. If the snake receiver feels tickled and moves a muscle the snake giver says, “You moved!” Kids will enjoy playing the game. If you are a parent you may chose to play with one or more children. If you are playing with more than one child they will have to take turns being tickled.